Offering Optional s/w Components:

Based on your requirement you can utilize them. Some of them are free of cost and some are chargeable 

  1. SDA (Smart Data Access) – From HANA 1.0 SPS05 (Free of Cost)

Customer can use SAP HANA for Analysis – store the data in HANA DB for analytics for that load data from different sources then they build reports and try to analyze the data. We called as Data Mart scenario. 

Primary storage of Data in RAM, we can’t suggest to load 10TB Data into HANA. 


Source Data: 10TB

                         — 2 TB (Recent) —- Loaded into HANA DB and store in the memory through ETL Tools.

                        — 8 TB (Old) —-  store this data outside HANA DB —– By Use NLS (Near line Storage) by using any of data base which come with low cost (HADOOP/IQ/..)

Process for SDA:

Install SDA in HANA DB Server

Provision to connect the NLS System. By using NLS we can able to access data from Outside of HANA DB. Performance is low using NLS.

  • DT (Dynamic Tiering) – HANA 1.0 SPS09 (Chargeable)

This is extension of Smart Data Access Functionality any organization Data management is very crucial 

Multi temperature data management:

Data which they want to store is categorized into 3.

  1. Hot Data – In-Memory (Data will come into the Primary memory)
  2. Warm Data – this data we can keep in HANA on Disk, Only Load to memory when accessed. Warm data should store in the Extended memory by using Dynamic Tiering 
  3. Cold Data – NLS 
  • VORA (Analytical Engine)– HANA 1.0 SPS09 (Chargeable)

Customer has data of 10TB and stored in Hadoop file system and he doesn’t want to change the storage in future also. He is analyzing the data with some tools but they are not happy with those tools. 

Now they hear about HANA and want to analyze the data with SAP HANA because of advanced analytical feature had by HANA.

They have separated Analytical processing engine named as VORA

It can install in any file system, doesn’t required HANA DB Server.

VORA is only designed for HANDOOP File Systems

  • AFL (Application Function Libraries): Readymade functions available (Free of Cost)

Any DB we can write some programing. Procedure or functions (Set of programs) available. 

For implement Predictive Analysis lot of coding need to be written, it will take lot of time and expensive. 

  • SPATIAL (Location Based Analysis): (Chargeable)

No need to give location, go to the map and click on location and generate report. Space research. NASA is using SPATIAL  

  • SHINE (SAP HANA interactive Education):

Build DEMO System, it has sample data or models. You can use these sample models for demonstration purpose

  • SDI – Smart Data Integration (SAP HANA 1.0 SPS09)
  • SDQ –Smart Data Quality (SAP HANA 1.0 SPS09)
  • SDS – Smart Data Streaming (SAP HANA 1.0 SPS09)
  • RDS – Remote Data Synchronization (SAP HANA 1.0 SPS09)

One thought on “HANA Administration Day 2”

  1. Hello Durga sir,
    Can you continue HANA Administration Series ? so we can get some knowledge .

    Thanks In Advanced

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