SAP HANA Licensing:

It has many components depends on customer requirements we are going to use components.

If Customer wants to use hana then he need to contact SAP and get the license. Options provided

                                SAP HANA 2.0 SPS04

We can find the latest version – ——à SAP HANA Platform——-à Right Corner you can see the latest version of HANA

 SPS – Support package stack- Support packages consisting of Corrections, Enhancement for existing functionality and new functionality

SAP HANA Started in 2011

Lowest Support available from SAP – HANA 1.0 SPS11

HANA 1.0 SPS 03 —-à Sep’11 (Release strategy 2 releases)

SPS 04 and 05 —-à 2012

SPS 06 and 07 —-à 2013

SPS 08 and 09 —-à 2014

SPS 10 and 11 —-à 2015

HANA 1.0 SPS12 –à May ‘2016

HANA 2.0 SPS00 –à May ‘2016

                    SPS01 —à Apr ‘2017

                    SPS02 —à  Nov ‘2017

                    SPS03 —à Apr ‘2018

                   SPS04 —à Apr ‘2019

Licensing Cost based on Edition:

  1. SAP HANA Platform edition (Standard addition):

Most basic edition of HANA, Offering Core software components means mandatory components to run HANA DB

                —–à  HANA DB Server software

                ——- Appliance (Certified Hardware’s) then only we can feel the real experience and performance of HANA (Vendor: IBM, DELL, HITACHI, HP, CISCO, FUJESU… More then 1400)

Choosing Hardware is Very Complicated. Customer mostly depends on TCO (Total cost of Ownership) and ROI (Return on Investment)

 We should need to Optimal sizing

                ——- O/S (HANA DB Server can be installed only on Linux Operation system)

Initially they supported only Suse Linux Ent. Edition and from SPS 09 Onwards it supports Redhat as well

HANA 2.0 Support following OS Version.

Suse Linux 12.4

Redhat 7.3

                ———-> HANA Studio (if you want to work with the Server through the GUI) you can perform admin, modeling, Developing the application. It can be installed in Windows, Linux, and Mac

By using HANA Studio eclipse concept, we can do BW Development, ABAP Development, UI Development and lot of things. For this you just need to install add-on’s in each HANA Studio where ever user required.

Admin activities:

HANA Studio

HANA Cockpit

HANA Studio is deprecated from HANA 2.0 SPS 02 Onwards, everything we can perform by using HANA Cockpit. Centralized administration and Monitoring by using HANA Cockpit. Web-based application. No software required to access HANA Cockpit SPS10

                ——–à HANA Client (HANA ODBC/JDBC/MDX/ Drivers to connect HANA DB to HANA Studio). It will support for all operating systems. Where ever you have work station (HANA Studio) there only need to install HANA Client.

HANA DB Server, HANA Studio, HANA Client are called as Core components.

2 thoughts on “HANA Administration – Day 1”

  1. Hi
    I keep getting this error message and cannot complete the installation

    * 10: authentication failed SQLSTATE: 28000
    Password already changed. However, the new password you specified is invalid.

    Can you please advise how to fix this issue? Thanks.

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