SAP Business Objects Stop and Start Procedure

BOBJ Stop/Start procedure:

Stop sequence:

  1. Stop Sever intelligence agent
  2. Stop Apache tomcat service.
  3. 3Stop DB from services (stop SQL services or SQL studio.)

Start sequence:

  1. Start the DB from services or SQL studio.
  2. Start Apache tomcat service.
  3. Start Server intelligence Agent

To stop Server Intelligence agent (SIA):

Go to server -> All programs -> SAP Business Intelligence -> Central Configuration Manager -> Run as administrator.

Select the Server Intelligence Agent and right click then Click on Stop to stop the Server Intelligence Agent.

To stop Apache Tomcat Service:

GO to server -> All programs SAP Business Intelligence -> Central Configuration Manager -> Run as administrator.

Select the Apache Tomcat for BI 4 and right click. Click on Stop to stop the Apache Tomcat Server.

Login to DB server:
Go to all programs -> Microsoft SQL Server -> SQL Server Management Studio
Right click on SQL Server Management Studio

Give the uid/pwd to connect server -> slect the instance and right click -> then click stop to stop the DB.

To start the use the same above method and click on start. follow the below sequence.
Start sequence:

  1. Start the DB from services or SQL studio.
  2. Start Apache tomcat service.
  3. Start Server intelligence Agent

2 thoughts on “SAP Business Objects Stop and Start Procedure”

  1. This topic is a little bit outdated but in case someone like me intented to read it, I would like to propose another method.
    I think the procedure proposed in this article is not the best one.
    To stop all services I think it’s better to firstly stop tomcat then bobj services and to finish the DB services.
    This procedure is better in order to avoid the users having strange behavior during browsing in case the bobj services are stopped.
    The tomcat frontend should be the first service to stop and the last to start.


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