Add HANA System to HANA Administration Console

Below is the process how you can add a new “HANA System” to your “HANA Administration Console”, then you can use the following steps…

Open “Hana Administration Console” and “New” button (Alt + Shift + N) and select the “Add System” option like below ;

Add HANA System to HANA Administration Console

Provide the following informations to the next page ;


Instance Number

Database Mode


Add HANA System to HANA Administration Console

If you decided to use database user to make authentication, then you have to assign SYSTEM users (if you don’t want to use different user) password for the connection properties area

Add HANA System to HANA Administration Console

If you want to add any “Option”,  then you can use the following page otherwise you can continue directly

Add HANA System to HANA Administration Console

You can finish the process with “Finish” button

Now you will be able to see the following system defination like below example ;

Add HANA System to HANA Administration Console

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