Have you migrated your SAP Solution Manager already to release 7.2?

If your answer to this question is NO, this blog is relevant for you! SAP Solution Manager 7.1 runs out of mainstream maintenance at the end of 2017. In case you are still on release 7.1, what does this mean for you?

First-of-all, SAP support never ends! But the support for SAP Solution Manager 7.1 will be switched to customer-specific maintenance. Customer-specific maintenance enables customers to continue running their mature release until the time when an upgrade takes place. But some restrictions apply, compared to mainstream maintenance:

  • Customer-specific maintenance covers resolution of problems only in case of known solutions or workarounds.
  • Resolutions for “new” problems (problems not yet known to SAP) are typically charged based on time and material.
  • No support packages and legal changes are provided
  • Only limited technology updates are supported
  • No service level agreement applies

Staying on SAP Solution Manager 7.1 is possible. But this will imply the risk of additional expenses required to keep it working. Please refer to SAP Note 52505 for more details on the scope and restrictions of customer-specific maintenance. And go to http://support.sap.com/releasestrategy for more information regarding the SAP release and maintenance strategy in general.

Regardless if you want to migrate to SAP Solution Manager 7.2 now or anytime later: The good news is that many customers have done this exercise already successfully. SAP has collected some best practices out of these projects. And there is a lot of additional information available. But where do you find the information relevant for you?

We have created a PDF-based tool to guide you through the transition details: Transition to SAP Solution Manager 7.2: All You Need to Know. The tool asks some questions regarding your current usage of SAP Solution Manager and your plans for SAP Solution Manager 7.2. Based on your answers, you will receive information tailored for your project.

The tool consists of four sections. The first section addresses the general question if it is better for you to upgrade your existing SAP Solution Manager to release 7.2 or to do a complete new installation. The tool differentiates also if you want to run the SAP Solution Manager 7.2 on SAP HANA or on a traditional database. Depending on your answers to these questions, you will get related information and links to corresponding guides and SAP Notes.

In the second section, you specify which scenarios you use in your current SAP Solution Manager already. This information is required to detect if a content activation is needed as part of the upgrade project or not. And the tool lists the different activities to be executed for the processes you use.

The third section discusses topics regarding the upgrade strategy. Do you plan to run a test upgrade on a copy of your productive system? Is the downtime of the technical upgrade critical for you? Do you have a project plan for the project already? Corresponding information will be provided depending on your answers to these questions.

Finally, you will find a large collection of useful links to further information in the fourth section of the tool. These links are grouped into several categories to make it easy for you finding what you are looking for.

You might claim that this is all existing information – nothing new. Yes, you are right! But the purpose of the tool is not to create additional material you need to walk through. It wants to guide you on the right way through all the existing material: This helps to avoid delays in your upcoming transition project caused by missing required information. And you can reduce your preparation efforts by focusing on materials relevant for your individual SAP Solution Manager upgrade project. Have success with your transition to SAP Solution Manager 7.2!

Source : https://blogs.sap.com/2017/10/05/have-you-migrated-your-sap-solution-manager-already-to-release-7.2/

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