Here i am explaining the process on how to perform SAPROUTER migration, this guide will help you on Migrating your SAPROUTER from one server to another server. The IP and hostname should be same.

Migrate saprouter from one machine to other machine (same ip n’ hostname, from windows to windows)

Copy all of the active saprouter folder in old machine to the new machine
In this step, make sure all files copied to new machine (same directory).

Set user environment
Go to the Control Panel > System, then choose “Advanced” tab and click button “Environment Variables”.

click new at user variables and insert following variable :

LIBPATH : <drive:\><path_ntintel>, ex : C:\saprouter\ntintel

PATH : <drive:\><path_saprouter.exe>, ex : C:\saprouter

SECUDIR : <drive:\><path_ntintel>, ex : C:\saprouter\ntintel

SNC_LIB : <drive:\><path_sapcrypto.dll>, ex : C:\saprouter\ntintel\sapcrypto.dll
Create SAProuter service (in directory saprouter)
This command for create service SAProuter (must have ntscmgr.exe) :

ntscmgr install SAProuter -b C:\saprouter\saprouter.exe -p “service -r <parameter>”

Change Logon User at Service SAPRouter Properties
Go to the Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services (Right Click then choose Properties)

Choose “Log On” tab

Make sure this account same with account which you add new environment. In this case, our account is sapuser.

Copy part of services file which contains sap* from old machine to new machine
services file can be access : C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\etc (XP), copy text in services file which contains text sap* to services file in new machine, for example :

sapdp01 3201/tcp # SAP System Dispatcher Port

sapdp01s 4701/tcp # SAP System Dispatcher Security Port

sapgw01 3301/tcp # SAP System Gateway Central Instance Port

sapgw01s 4801/tcp # SAP System Gateway Security Port

sapmsX01 3601/tcp # SAP System Message Port

sapdp02 3202/tcp

sapdp00 3200/tcp

sapdp99 3299/tcp

sapgw99 3399tcp

Test Start your SAProuter at new machine
if successfully start, status change to “Started”

NB : Please test again, what’s connection from outside can be connect to your SAP system.

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