80.How to execute the decision table?
The decision table is executed by calling the procedure.

CALL  “<schema name>”.”<procedure name>”;

CALL  “<schema name>”.”<procedure name>”(<IN parameter>, …… , <IN parameter>, ?);
for Condition as parameters and Action as parameters.

On execution of the procedure, if no parameters are used then physical table is updated based on the data you enter in the form of condition values and action values.

81.Are there any restrictions on Decision table to preview the data?
Data preview is supported only if:
Decision table is based on physical table and has at-least one parameter as action
Decision table is based on Information view and parameter(s) as action.

82.How can you change the layout of a decision table?
You can change the layout by arranging the condition and action columns. By default all the conditions appear as vertical columns in the decision table and you can mark a condition as a horizontal condition under the Decision table editor, choose ‘Change Layout’.

83.Can you switch ownership of objects?
We can take the ownership of objects from other user’s workspace only if it is inactive version of the object Authorization required is “Work in Foreign Workspace”. The active version is owned by the user who created and activated the object.

84.What is the difference between Switch Ownership and Take Over?
Switch Ownership: To take multiple inactive objects from other users.
Take Over: To take single inactive object from another workspace.

85.You are working on a inactive version of a object. How can you view changes made to the active version?
Select the required object in a package you are working
From the context menu, choose ‘open’
In the editor pane, choose ‘Show Active Version’
Compare the active and inactive versions of the object.

86.How can you view the version history of content objects?
Select the required object from the package
From the context menu choose ‘History’.

87.What is Refactoring Object?
Restructuring the Content objects without changing their behavior is call Refactoring.

88.What are the objects eligible for Refactoring?
Packages, Attribute views, Analytic views, Graphical Calculation views, and Analytical Privileges.

89.How do you validate models?
Quick launch menu → Validate
From the ‘Available’ list, select the required models that system must validate.
Choose Add
Click Validate.

90.How do you generate the documentation for the objects you created?
By using ‘Auto Documentation’ which captures the details of an information model or a package in a single document. Process to create is:
Quick Launch → Auto Documentation
In ‘Select Content Type’ choose  ‘Model Details’ OR ‘Model List’
Add the required objects to the Target list
Browse the location where you want to save the file
Click finish.

91.How to identify whether an information model is referenced by any other information model?
We can check the model references by using ‘Where Used’. Process is:
Go to the package
Select the required object
From the context menu, choose ‘Where Used’.

92.What is the difference among Raw Data, Distinct values and Analysis while doing the Data Preview?
Raw Data  : It displays all attributes along with data in tabular format.
Distinct Values: It displays all attributes along with data in graphical format.
Analysis  : It displays all attributes and measures in graphical format.

93.What are the different types of functions can be used in expressions?
Conversion, String, Mathematical, Date and Misc functions.

returns REJECTED if the SCORE is <= 4.

if the value of CODE is other than 1/2/3 then a default value of ‘INVALID’ will be selected.

94.How to search Tables, Models, and Column views?
In the Modeler search field, enter the object you want
Select the system in dropdown
Click search.

The matching objects are listed in results pane with 3 tab pages: Tables, Models, and Column views.

95.Is it possible to Import SAP Netweaver BW objects?
Yes it is possible to import SAP BW objects.

96.How to Import BW models?
The process to Import BW models:
File menu → Import
Expand SAP HANA Content node, choose ‘Import SAP NetWeaver BW Models’
In ‘Source System’ enter BW credentials
Select the target system
Select BW InfoProviders
If you want to import selected models along with display atributes  for IMO Cube and IMO DSO, select ‘Include Display Attributes’
We can select analysis authorizations associated with InfoProviders/Role based.
Click finish.

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