In this blog we are explaining about installation of S/4 HANA 1809. Feel free to comment if you have any issues while executing this process.


It is recommended to install SuSE Linux version 12 Patch 1
TIP: Please refer Notes below:
Note 2399995 – Hardware requirement for SAP HANA 2.0
Note 2235581 – SAP HANA: Supported Operating Systems.
Note 2205917 – SAP HANA DB: Recommended OS settings for SLES 12

You can check your operating system version as below:

sid-hdb-s4h:~ # cat /etc/SuSE-release
  SuSE-release SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 (x86_64)
  VERSION = 12


The minimum required is HANA 2.0 Support Package 03 Revision 33 but it is generally recommended to go to the highest revision available.

If you already have a database, please patch the database to HANA 2 and you can create container using command:


It takes about 2 minutes to create database with this command.


To install database you can use hdblcmgui. I used hdblcm as below.
minimum is HANA 2 Rev 33 as per release note for 1809

First unpack the archive to folder HANA2_33 and LCAPPS_33 together if you need integrated LiveCache so it can be installed as a combined install.

sid-hdb:/sapmedia/ #SAPCAR -xvf IMDB_SERVER20_033_0-80002031.SAR
sid-hdb:/sapmedia/ #mv SAP_HANA_DATABASE HANA2_33
sid-hdb:/sapmedia/ #SAPCAR –xvf IMDB_LCAPPS_2033_0-20010426.SAR
sid-hdb:/sapmedia/ #mv SAP_HANA_LCAPPS HANA2_33_LCAPPS
sid-hdb:/sapmedia/HANA2_33 # ./hdblcm

Updating SAP HANA Database Instance Integration on Local Host...
Deploying SAP Host Agent configurations...
Creating Component List...
SAP HANA Database System installed

Deployment of SAP Host Agent configurations finished

You can send feedback to SAP with this form: https://vhcalhdbdb:1129/lmsl/HDBLCM/HDB/feedback/feedback.html
Log file written to '/var/tmp/hdb_HDB_hdblcm_install_2018-09-28_19.21.35/hdblcm.log' on host 'vhcals4hci'.

After installation, logon to HANA Database using HANA Studio and add system
Host Name : <your hostname or ip>
Instance Number: 02
Click Next and in the following screen enter User Name SYSTEM and Password
Click on Finish to exit.

TIP: Please change the log mode if you don’t want to be spend time on log maintenance: In HANA studio –> Configuration –> global.ini –> persistence and set the parameter log_mode to overwrite. When you change the log mode, you must restart the database system to activate the changes. It is also recommended that you perform a full data backup. You can also set the log_mode to ‘overwrite’ using the following SQL-Statement:

ALTER SYSTEM ALTER CONFIGURATION ('global.ini', 'SYSTEM') SET ('persistence', 'log_mode') = 'overwrite' WITH RECONFIGURE;


TIP: You don’t need to extract the backup zip files S4CORE103_INST_EXPORT_*.zip. SWPM tool will extract them into /usr/sap/HDB/HDB02/backup/data/DB_HDB where the extract will use 60GB from this folder. Also this procedure is for SWPM+SUM combined installation and you don’t need the SYSTEM/DDIC password from backup Database/ABAP instance.

Extract the SWPM SAR file as below

sid-hdb:/ # cd /install 
sid-hdb:/install # /sapmedia/SAPCAR -xvf /sapmedia/download/SWPM20SP01_0-80003424.SAR

You should get message at the end of this that SAPCAR: 301 files(s) extracted

Start x-Windows software such as Exceed or X-ming and set the DISPLAY variable needed to confirm x-Windows is working.

Execute SWPM to do system copy with backup restore as below:

sid-hdb:/install#./sapinst SAPINST_USE_HOSTNAME=vhcals4hci SAPINST_ACCEPT_INTERNAL_SIGNATURE=true SAPINST_SLP_MODE=false SAPINST_STACK_XML=/sapmedia/download/MP_Stack_1000543815_20180921_.xml
TIP: At this point if you get the screen below:
Please refer Note 2510478 Data unit /xx/xx/xx/SWPM is not signed with an official SAP signature. I started with command:
./sapinst SAPINST_USE_HOSTNAME=vhcals4hci SAPINST_ACCEPT_INTERNAL_SIGNATURE=true SAPINST_SLP_MODE=false SAPINST_STACK_XML=/sapmedia/download/MP_Stack_1000543815_20180921_.xml This is ok for sandbox.

I am showing only the important screens as most are self explanatory. Select Standard System from path below:

Click on Next

At the screen Software Integrity click on Next

TIP: If you select Typical at next parameter, those skipped are shown in Strikethrough. Skipping these parameters will save some time and you may be able to change them in the final Parameter Summary.

At the screen Parameter Settings select Custom and click on Next At the screen General SAP System Parameters enter SAP System ID (SAPSID) S4H SAP Mount Directory /sapmnt

At the screen DNS Domain Name (strikethrough font means skipped for Typical) set FQDN for SAP system checked, DNS Domain Name for SAP System dummy.nodomain click on Next

At the screen Master Password specify Master password and confirm password Xxxxxxxn click on Next

At the screen Operating System Users accept master password or enter password Xxxxxxxn

At the screen Database for SAP System enter details
Database Host   vhcalhdbdb
Instance Number   02
Database ID (DBSID)HDB
Password of DBA  Xxxxxxxn  click on Next

At the screen SAP HANA Multitenant Database Containers enter password for HANA Database superuser Xxxxxxxn click on Next

At the screen Software Package Browser enter path for the downloaded media from Maintenance Planner. Package Path: /sapmedia/download click Next
The status will change from “still missing” to “Available”. Click on Next

At the screen Upgrade SAP Host Agent checkmark Upgrade SAP Host Agent with provided version and click on Next , after it is shown as “Available”. Click on Next

At the screen SAP HANA Client Software Installation Path choose radio button Local Client Directory click on Next

At the screen Media Browser enter Package Path /sapmedia/1809_EXP click on Next.

TIP: SWPM takes half hour to verify and check the zip files

Individual Package Location will change to /sapmedia/1809_EXP/ click onNext

At the screen Software Package Browser accept Individual Package Locations  /sapmedia/1809_EXP/S4CORE103_INST_EXPORT_[2..20].zip

At the screen SAP HANA Multitenant Database Containers accept HANA DB Database Host vhcalhdbdb Instance Number 02 and Password Xxxxxxxn click on Next

At the screen Database Schema accept schema DBACOCKPIT password and confirm Schema password Xxxxxxxn click on Next

At the screen Database Schema accept schema SAPHANADB password and confirm Schema password Xxxxxxxn click on Next

At the screen SAP HANA Import Parameters accept parameter values to keep on import and click on Next

At the screen Installation Export accept number of parallel jobs and HANA<sid>adm user as hdbadm and enter password as Xxxxxxxn click on Next

At the screen Primary Application Server Instance and ABAP Central Services Instance accept values PAS Instance Number 00, PAS Instance Host vhcals4hci
ASCS Instance Number 01, ASCS Instance Host Name vhcals4hci click on Next

At the screen ABAP Message Server Ports accept values for Ports 3601 and 3901 click onNext

At the screen ICM User Management for the SAP Web Dispatcher accept password for webadm Xxxxxxxn and click on Next

At the screen SLD Destination for the SAP System OS Level leave default radio button at No SLD destination click on Next

At the screen Message Server Access Control List leave default radio button at Do not create Message Server Access Control List click on Next

At the screen Additional Components to be Included in the ASCS Instance enable checkmarks at Install integrated web dispatcher and Install Gateway integrated in ASCS instance and click onNext

At the screen SAP Web Dispatcher Parameters leave default dispatcher parameters HTTPS Port 44300, Encryption Always. click on Next

At the screen Configuring Transport Management for Single System select Run TMS config and enter password for TMSADM in Client 000 click on Next

At the screen Import SPAM/SAINT Update for Import SPAM/SAINT Update select radio button Yes
Specify the location of SPAM/SAINT Update Archive as /sapmedia/download/KD75370.SAR click on Next
 This will save time later having to do it at the time of SUM installation. Click on Next

At the screen Additional ABAP Transports leave radio button at default No for Import ABAP Transports click on Next

At the screen Preparing for the Software Update Manager checkmark Extract SUM, Start Sum Automatically, enter values of SUM as /sapmedia/download/SUM20SP03_0-80002456.SARClick on Next

At the screen Software Package Browser accept the Individual package location of SUM file or providePackage Path click on Next

At the screen Additional SAP System Languages click on Next

At the screen Secure Storage Key Generation accept radio button – Individual Key (Recommended for Productive Systems) On the Next

At next screen Warning click OK

At next screen Cleanup of Operating System Users checkmark on Yes cleanup os users and click on Next

Here is the Parameter Summary Click on Next to confirm and begin the installation.

At next screen 96% Information click on OK and again OK. Fill in the Feedback to SAP.


As we executed combined SWPM+SUM you should have filesystem /usr/sap/S4H/SUM and you should directly jump to url https://vhcals4hci:1129/lmsl/sumabap/S4H/doc/sluigui

If not, don’t worry, please extract it as below 2 commands:

as s4hadm
cd /usr/sap/S4H
SAPCAR -xvf /sapmedia/download/SUM20SP03_0-80002456.SAR
as root
ps –ef | grep –i sapup
/usr/sap/S4H/SUM/abap/SUMSTART confighostagent
TIP: Please check that your /windows/drivers/etc/host file contains entry with IP address mapped to hostname vhcals4hci.
c:\users\mahesh>type c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts  vhcals4hci vhcals4hci.dummy.nodomain vhcals4hcs vhcals4hcs.dummy.nodomain vhcalhdbdb vhcalhdbdb.dummy.nodomain

Open Google Chrome browser (latest version recommended) Enter URL:

In case you get screen below please click on Advanced and then “Proceed to vhcals4hci(unsafe)

Enter s4hadm/(password you used before) in the screen below

TIP: If you get message that Page is Unresponsive just click on Wait.

PERFORMANCE TIP: When you use the Combined SWPM+SUM procedure, SUM is started bypassing many phases and prompts. The Number of processes for Batch, R3trans are set to 1-uptime/3-downtime  and R3load are set to 4/4. In order to have the installation take advantage of CPU power and save time, as soon as you get the first screen of SUM please do as below

On the right side, select menu option (1) More, (2) Utilities, (3) SUM Parameters, (4) enter values and (5) Save.


No prompts here ….

TIP: If you get error manifest signature revoked download new crlbag.p7s as per SAP Note 2491577 - SUM fails at phase PREP_EXTRACT/SCAN_DOWNLOADDIR with error message "SIGNATURE: manifest signature is revoked"


Select Next at  (6%) Current Phase PREP_CONFIGURATIN/INITSUBST

At (9%) Current Phase PREP_EXTENSION/IS_SELECT Click on Next

At (10%) Current Phase PREP_EXTENSION/BIND_PATCH Click on Next

(NOTE: in the screen below BI_CONT and BI_CONT_XT will appear only if you selected at Maintenance Planner)

Accept values for release level and Click on Next

At (10%) Current Phase PREP_EXTENSION/BIND_PATCH Click on Next

At (11%) Current Phase PREP_INTEGRATION/ADJUSTPRP Click on Next


Click on Next


At (17%) Current Phase MAIN_INIT/REPACHK_EHPI – Lock the development environment now click on Next

At (23%) Current Phase MAIN_DTTRANSSHD/DOWNCONF_DTTRANS_BCK accept selected radio button Backup completed click on Next


(assuming process parameters changed as per above performance tip)
At (89%) Current Phase: MAIN_UPTRANS/STARTSAP_PUPG click on Next

At (89%) Current Phase: MAIN_UPTRANS/UPCONF click Next

At (89%) Current Phase: MAIN_POSTPROC/SETUPGPAR_UPG_POST click Next


At (91%) Current Phase: MAIN_POSTPROC/REQUPFINAL click NextSUM is completed. Please login to the system and check the Installed product version as:Please find Installed Software Component version:

The first 2 components are shown in grey as they will appear only if you selected at Maintenance Planner.

TIP: Schedule complete SGEN if it is not completed so far. This will help reduce time needed for Best Practices Content Activation.


Please apply the 4 notes below to the installed instance as per SAP Note 2659828 – SAP S/4HANA 1809 Feature Package Stack 00: Additional Release Information these notes are only for 1809 FPS0

2658745 Register internal scenarios (FINCF_AV_SO,FINCF_AV_CI)1880321990 No
2660883 BP_EOP: Success Message is not displayed properly No
2661055 NS Registration /CMMFD (1880344774) No
2666655 Undo changes of central BUPA search help exit No
2441447 Authorization check enablement in Business Partner F4 search help
(Seems like the note is already applied)
2647710 Simple transformation: Inconsistent ST loads              (No valid Corrections) No
2653874 Client copy fails in exit 0SFW_CC_SYNCH_SWITCH_STATES_ADD No
2653909 BRF+: Performance improvement while opening Ruleset No
2656251 Performance and memory improvements for cl_ci_test_no_order_by No
2658952 ESH – initial authorization index filling – error: “Feature not supported”/OLAP VIEW on HANA 3.1 No
2662538 Dump occurs on changing the query No
2665431 Cursor Position is not correctly being displayed after selecting the record in SM30 No
2656623 Delivered version of AO Workbook (AAOE) is not created in the content system No
2652897 List ATS UIBB and Tree UIBB: API for choosing selection eventing not working correctly(No Valid Corrections) No
2653893 APC For FPM Events: Events are not received any more after a Popup has been closed (No Valid Corrections) No
2655756 Tree UIBB: Conditional Formatting when master column has display type image (No Valid Corrections) No
2694011 WTY: Dump “CALL_FUNCTION_CONFLICT_LENG” occurs on account document posting No
2697405 TrexViaDbsl: wrong schema name is set to temporary objects in TREX_EXT_AGGREGATE Yes

Your system installation is complete. Congratulations !!!

Reference: Blog

One thought on “Installation of S/4HANA 1809 FPS0”

  1. hey,

    That’s a Huge post on SAP S/4HANA 1809 Installation. I like the snippets, but there are few disturbances in the post. try fixing it.

    thanks for sharing

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