Last week when i tried to install ECC EHP4 with i got the below error. After the lot of analysis i came to know the error resolution.

When I try to install Oracle 10g on Windows 2008 (in a virtual machine) as part of ECC  EHP4 installation, I receive a error message soon after the pre-requisites are checked. The error reads Abnormal program termination.

An internal error has occurred. Please provide the following files to Oracle support


Please note that Java path and Java home are set. JRE is set to 1.6

Resolution: We have multiple options here to resolve the issue.

1.make changes to the below files

  • C:\Oracle\database\install\oraparam.ini : Change entry Windows=5.0,5.1,5.2,6.0 to Windows=5.0,5.1,5.2,6.0,6.1
  • C:\Oracle\database\stage\prereq\db\refhost.xml: Include a tag for 6.1 also.
  • C:\Oracle\database\stage\prereq\db_prereqs\db\refhost.xml: Include a tag for 6.1 also.

2. Download the failsafe oracle and install.

I have used the option 2 to resolve the issue

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